Frequently asked questions

Check out some of our frequently asked questions below.


Can we cancel after we a book tour? Do we get a refund?
Obviously, if you book a tour and your plans have changed you can cancel it.
To do this you must write to us using the form on the CONTACT PAGE with the booking number and name using the subject:
Remember that:
Cancellations 24h or less there is 100% penalty.
Cancellations between 48h / 72h are subject to a 50% penalty.
Cancellations more than 72h are fully rembursed.

You will receive the refund directly on your credit card that you used during the booking phase, it could take a few days, depending on your bank.


Is it possible to change our tour date to another date ?
What time we will return after the tour ?
Do your tours include transportation to/from Parma?
Do you pick up from hotels out of Parma ?
Is your transportation suitable for children ages 4 and 6 ?
Where are the pickup points for the tour located ?